Low Impact Development and Stormwater BMP Pennsylvania PowerPoint Presentations, PDF Files, and Best Management Practices (Smart Development)
In general, it is our professional opinion that the changes in the stormwater regulations that look beyond managing the 100-year storm was wise, but the implementation of this approach has created more and other problems. In some areas, the regulations are attempting to recharge over 80% of the annual rainfall, where in reality the normal recharge rate is only about 50%. B.F. Environmental Consultants, Inc. provides a unique role, we do not design or install systems, we work with the project owner, community, and engineers to attempt to implement stormwater management systems that “Make Sense”. This means these systems consider stormwater as a resource, follow the scientific method, based on site conditions and capacity of the water and we like using a water budget approach. To complete this effort, we provide the following services:

Ms. Catherine Chomat, PE, F.X. Browne, Inc.
Robert Traver, PhD, PE, Villanova University
Mr. Brian Oram, PG, B.F. Environmental Consultants and Water-Research Center
All Presentations will be Stored In One Zip File for You to Download. TheOnly Presentation Online is Presentation 4.
Presentation 1 - Impacts of Uncontrolled Runoff (source F.X. Browne, Inc.)
Presentation 2 - Stormwater Management in Pennsylvania (source F.X. Browne, Inc.)
Presentation 3 - Concepts of Low-Impact Development, i.e., Smart Engineering (Villanova University)
Presentation 4 - Measuring Infiltration, Soils, and Hydrology (Wilkes University)- This is not a zip file
Presentation 5 - Infiltration and Filtration BMPs (Villanova University)
Presentation 6 - Ponds and Wetland BMPs, Retrofitting Basins (F.X. Browne, Inc.)
Presentation 7- Putting It All Together (F.X. Browne, Inc.)
Managing Stormwater in Our Communities Hosted: At McGowan Room, College Misericordia, Dallas, PA
(Pdf files Only )
Presentation 1 (pdf file) - Tree Canopy Cover, Mr. Vincent Cotrone, Urban Forester, Penn State Cooperative Extension
Presentation 2 (pdf file)- Ecological Stream and Watershed Connection (GIS) - Dr. Dale Bruns, Dean of College of Science and Engineering at Wilkes University
Presentation 3 (pdf file)- Better Stormwater Management Design - Mr. Paul DeBarry, PE - Director of Hydrology, Hydraulics, and GIS Section: Borton-Lawson Engineering.
Presentation 4 (pdf file) - Applied Soil Science to Stormwater Management and BMP Selection, Mr. Brian Oram, PG, Wilkes University, Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences
Presentation 5 (pdf file) - Modeling the Potential Reduction of Stormwater Runoff Using BMPs - Dr. Brian Whitman, Associate Professor of Environmental Engineering at Wilkes University
Presentation 6 (pdf file)- Regional Initiatives to Assist in Stormwater Management - Mr. Ryan Koch, Coordinator, Pocono NE, RC&D
Major Projects Completed
We are in the process of setting up Face-to-Face Courses. They will be posted here at our New Training Portal - Training Professionals Online Training Courses. We will be scheduling courses in soil science, soil morphology, hydric soils, and water sampling.
Udemy Featured Courses - 30,000+ Self-Enrichment Courses
Continuing Education for Engineers and Related Professionals (PDH)